Amazing talent of art and design students at the College of West Anglia's Wisbech campus is recognised with awards
Art and Design students from the College of West Anglia’s (CWA) Wisbech campus, came together with family, friends and staff to celebrate their achievements throughout the academic year with an awards ceremony followed by the official exhibition opening.
The awards ceremony, which was hosted by programme manager of creative arts for Wisbech, Jannette Cook, saw 7 winners crowned in a range of categories from photography student of the year to awards for personal achievement.
Manuel Carvalho was announced as overall student of the year on the night, chosen by the judges and won a grand prize of £200 donated by The Elizabeth Wright Charity.
The awards ceremony was followed by a private viewing to mark the Creative Flow Art & Design Exhibition at the campus' ArtSpace, which showcased the students work of the past year.
The three day exhibition was open to the public who were able to view various mediums of art from sculpture to photography, painting and fashion.
Winner of the Art Specialism award, Briony Richmond’s, created a sculpture of a three-headed dog, while photography student and winner of the Photography Specialism Award, Viktorija Kunceviciute, showcased some of her landscape photography.
Jannette said: “I am continually amazed and inspired by the enthusiasm and commitment of our learners and the outstanding work that they produce. I would like to thank the staff for their commitment and enthusiasm to make these successes possible.”
Assistant principal for quality and outcomes, Andrew Gedge, said: “The quality of our students’ work displayed at the exhibition and the outstanding achievements we have celebrated here tonight are indicative of some of the highly-skilled individuals that are coming out of our college and the fantastic resources and teaching on offer here at the Wisbech Campus.”
Here’s a full list of the night’s award-winners: Photography Specialism: Viktorija Kuncevieute; Graphics Specialism: Megan Martin; Art Specialism: Briony Richmond; Fashion and Textiles Specialism: Hattie Britton.
Year 1 Achievement for Art & Design Level 3, Fashion, Graphics, Art and Photography: Emma Carter; Year 2 Achievement for Art & Design Level 3, Fashion, Graphics, Art and Photography: Phoebe Vickers; Overall Winner: Manuel Carvalho.