Some cracking Easter fun at Wisbech shopping centre
Families flocked to Wisbech Horsefair shopping centre on Tuesday to enjoy four hours of Easter fun.
The community event was organised by Horsefair Centre manager, Kevin Smith, who said: “This is one of my favourite events.
“There was a big turnout and we had 250 children take part in the Easter egg hunt with each of them getting a little prize.
“It is all about bring the community together - and we were lucky that the weather held out for us. We had finished by the time it started to rain.”
Activities and attractions included face painting, a fairground ride, Uncle Mick’s Magical Punch and Judy show and a balloon modeller.
Wisbech Lions turned out to support the event and brought along some fun games including splat the rat.
“They really engaged with everyone. It gave it even more of a community feel.”
The Easter egg hunt was free and took the youngsters on a search round the Horsefair pedestrianised area.
And the Easter egg theme continued with an egg painting competition at Hughes. Children took their decorated eggs into the store for judging and there was an Easter hamper as the top prize.
“It also gave families a chance to see what we have to offer here,” said Kevin.
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