Planning applications lodged this week in Fenland
The following planning applications have been submitted to Fenland District, West Norfolk, and South Holland District Councils.
Chatteris: F/YR24/0778/CERTP, Night Layers Farm Fenton Way, Certificate of Lawful Use (Proposed): Replace existing hardstanding with concrete.
Doddington: F/YR24/0773/F, 27A Newgate Street, Erect a detached timber office/storage outbuilding at front of existing dwelling (retrospective).
Gorefield: F/YR24/0772/O, Land South Of 4 - 16 Back Road, Erect up to 9 x dwellings (outline application with all matters reserved).
March: F/YR24/3119/COND, 72 - 74 High Street, Details reserved by Condition 01 (Landscaping Plan) and 03 (Materials) of planning permission F/YR22/0295/RM (Reserved Matters application relating to detailed matters of landscaping pursuant to outline planning permission F/YR20/0370/O to erect 11no 3-storey flats (6x3-bed and 5x2-bed) with part ground floor retail/office (outline application with matters committed in respect of access, appearance, layout and scale) involving demolition of existing building within a Conservation Area).
Murrow: F/YR24/0779/F, The Little Manor 28 Front Road, Installation of 5x external air conditioning units (retrospective) and 1x external air source heat pump.
Wisbech: F/YR24/0777/PNHAA, 260 Elm Low Road, First-floor extension to existing single-storey dwelling with a maximum height of 7.23m.
Gedney Hill: H07-0815-24, Holy Trinity Church Hillgate, works to Gedney Hill Tree Preservation Order No 1 1984.
Walpole St Peter: 24/01735/PAGPD, Greenwood Walnut Road, Single storey rear extension which extends beyond the rear wall by 7.98m with a maximum height of 3.98m and a height of 2.62m to the eaves.
Walpole Highway: 24/01598/F, Ivy House West Drove South, Demolition of existing domestic garage block and replacement with new domestic garage block.