Town councillors have managed to not increase their share of council tax for the new financial year of 25/26.
League tables published by the Government have highlighted the performances of Fenland primary schools in terms of their test results.
The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) has published its spending plans for 2025 with no plans to increase council tax.
Tributes have been paid to a former town mayor who has sadly died.
A consultation has been launched as part of the emerging Fenland Local Plan to help understand the area’s sustainability needs.
A meeting held to build bridges between the proposed Wisbech incinerator and the community has been heavily criticised by campaigners.
Cambridgeshire will only get a “very minimal uplift” in funding for schools next year, initial funding allocations have suggested.
New warning signs are hopefully to be installed at a major road junction where there have been multiple accidents.
A Traveller plot has been approved for a village field - despite the plan raising a number of 'red flags'.
Work to construct the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital is expected to begin in the middle of next year.
Bus users in Fenland will have to wait until Spring before a new ‘on-demand’ service is launched.
March residents will pay 2.87% more in council tax this year after a decision was ratified on Monday evening.
Hopes of a community orchard for March have been “scuppered” by Fenland Council’s decision to build a skate park on the chosen site.
A developer has been given the green light to build 70 affordable homes on the edge of Chatteris after saying there is a “critical and urgent” need.