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Fenland District Council administrator awarded apprentice of the year

A Fenland District Council HR administration apprentice who is ‘always ready to take on a new challenge’ has been recognised at regional awards.

Ross Potter was named Business Disciplines (HR & Management) Apprentice of the Year 2024 award at the Cambridge Regional College Apprenticeship Awards.

An awards citation said: “Ross has been recognised for his positive can-do attitude in HR & Management, his immaculate attendance record, and completion of all assignment deadlines throughout the course.

Ross Potter from Fenland District Council, Business Disciplines (HR & Management) Apprentice of the Year
Ross Potter from Fenland District Council, Business Disciplines (HR & Management) Apprentice of the Year

“He has passed each subject at the first attempt and has a polite and professional manner both in college and in the workplace.

“He is recognised across his authority as someone who doesn’t shy away from a challenge and will get involved in all areas of work to continuously develop and reinforce his learning.”

Cllr Jan French, deputy leader of Fenland District Council, said: “Fenland District Council officers are part of a hugely supportive, enthusiastic and dynamic team.

“It’s a place where people grow, develop, and thrive. Big congratulations to Ross for this award and for taking every opportunity in front of him - and to the excellent team around him for helping him to do so.

“I’m delighted to say Ross’s award adds to a growing list of excellence awards for our teams.”

Ross, 25, of south Lincolnshire, spent five years in early years education before deciding on a career switch and joining the council in April 2022.

He said: “Changing the direction of my career was a big decision but I am so glad I did it as an apprenticeship.

“Doing an apprenticeship has meant I was able to get hands-on experience that I just wouldn’t have gotten from being in a classroom.

“I’m grateful for the opportunity Fenland District Council has given me and the help and support they have offered throughout.”

Mark Robertson, Cambridge Regional College (CRC) principal, said: “The evening celebrated the positive impact apprenticeships have on individuals, businesses, and the wider economy in the region. Congratulations to all the winners.

“At CRC we are proud to support future and current talent through apprenticeships and provide support to employers looking to either recruit the best candidates for their businesses or utilise apprenticeships as part of their staff training and development.”

Apprenticeships enable individuals to acquire valuable practical skills, experience, and recognised certification in their chosen sector or profession while providing an opportunity for employers to take control of their workforce development through relevant training, building a team with future-ready skills.”

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