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Grants to support improvements to forgotten Fenland corners

Is there a vacant or derelict corner of your town or village that you could spruce up a little with a bit of grant funding?

Fenland District Council is reminding voluntary and community groups it provides grants of up to £500 to help to improve the public view of derelict, vacant or forgotten patches of land, buildings or other sites.

Over the years, with the permission of site owners, ‘Changing Views’ grants have supported the costs of developing murals, banners and posters to cheer up the hoardings and windows of vacant buildings and enabled planting on patches of uninspiring land.

A previous Changing Views grant supported project: Arkwright & Sons mural on empty shop inChatteris.
A previous Changing Views grant supported project: Arkwright & Sons mural on empty shop inChatteris.

Cllr Peter Murphy, portfolio holder for Streetscene, said: “Fenland District Council is constantly vigilant about ways we can clear up grot spots in a permanent way but the reality is that often the issues involved are complex, outside of our control and expensive.

“Changing Views grants are a small way we can help empower our communities to do something positive to address areas that detract from our wonderful Fenland towns and villages.

“We’d urge any voluntary or community group that has an idea they could put into action to get in touch to discuss if we can help.

A previous Changing Views grant supported project: Planting in Grays Lane, March.
A previous Changing Views grant supported project: Planting in Grays Lane, March.

“These are small fixes that can’t always stand the test of time but do go some way to giving an area and its residents and businesses a lift.”

Projects the fund has supported in the past include the Arkwright mural on an empty Chatteris shop and planting at Grays Lane, March, by March Street Pride / In Bloom.

For more information on Changing Views grants see: www.fenland.gov.uk/changingviews or contact Fenland District Council's Street Pride Coordinator on 01354 654321 or streetpride@fenland.gov.uk

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