The Mayoral share of the council tax bill in Cambridgeshire will be frozen in the next financial year.
Plans to increase the cost of collecting bulky rubbish items could cause more countryside fly-tipping, councillors have said.
A developer has been given the green light to build 70 affordable homes on the edge of Chatteris after saying there is a “critical and urgent” need.
Two developments that could have seen 37 new homes built in March have been rejected by councillors.
New mobile classrooms are planned to be installed at a primary school as there is not enough money to build a permanent extension.
Over 140 people in Chatteris have called for plans to build 70 new homes on the edge of the town to be blocked, as a decision date is set.
A planning inspector has blocked a house from becoming a home of multiple-occupation because it would “not provide adequate living conditions”.
More than a quarter of 8,800 homes granted planning permission on larger developments across Cambridgeshire this year are in Fenland.
‘Significantly higher’ shortfalls in Fenland District Council’s budget are being forecast in future years.
Delays handing over patients at hospitals took the equivalent of 1,286 ambulances off the road in Cambridgeshire and between April and October.
Plans to build a further 50 homes on the edge of March have been approved this week.
People could pay around £80 more a year to Cambridgeshire County Council if a 4.99% council tax increase goes ahead.
The decision not to give an NHS Trust funding to fully cover the cost of staff pay increases has been branded as “outrageous”.
Cambridgeshire County Council has been told to pay a dad £1,800 after its faults delayed his child’s start at secondary school.
Up to 1,200 homes can be built on the edge of March, as part of a wider plan to expand the town.
Two Fenland councillors were among those who have refused to back plans to cut a sprinkler system from a new school in order to save money.
Possible ways to keep bus fares in Cambridgeshire capped at £2 will be looked at, the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority has said.
A former brickworks in Whittlesey could be redeveloped into a science and technology park under new plans for the site.
A call has been made for Mayoral precept funding to be used to keep single bus fares in Cambridgeshire capped at £2.
Calls have been made for Cambridgeshire to get better funding for its police force, as the area receives some of the lowest support in the country.